I took over the onerous responsibility as Principal Kendriya Vidyalaya, Sector 31 Chandigarh, on September 24, 2019 on transfer posting from KV 1 Sirsa. It gives me immense pleasure to greet all the parents, members of the staff and students through this platform.
It is our bounden duty to respect and build on the good of the past and weave the present into our future plans. The millennium is marching ahead with transformed socio-economic, cultural, technological and above all educational set-up. The new trends in education indicate full utilization of human resources in a disciplined way, thus shaping a holistic human being, who continues to grow in knowledge, curiosity, courage, confidence and understanding. The need of the hour is that all of us –teachers, parents and students– learn to reassess, reorient and re-energize to keep pace with the emergent times.
I call upon the teachers, as stake holders of education, to illuminate the mind and soul of our students for a paradigm shift i.e. from a mere acquisition of knowledge to creating knowledge.
My dear students, life is a hurdle race. To carve a niche for oneself requires a strong sense of faith in ones abilities, determination to achieve the target and will to persevere on the right path. The present times demand a strong sense of devotion and dedication to ones work, optimistic approach to life to gain strength in adverse situations
Dear Parents, home is the place where virtues like love, compassion; tolerance and goodwill are cultivated. Pour out your love, care & quality time in nurturing your child. I look forward to your cooperation and valuable suggestions in providing students meaningful education
Let us join hands to contribute to the development of the most precious gift of God to man _Our Children.
Let’s make them grow and gain in right perspective.